I am honored to accept this nomination.
I have been a PROUD and ACTIVE union member for fifteen years, and am EAGER and READY to take this next step to be in greater service to this union, supporting the well-being of our membership.
I am currently serving in the elected position of Member Representative on the Eastern Region Board, and as co-chair of the Respectful Workplace Committee. In 2016 I was a founding member of the Respectful Workplace Committee alongside other passionate colleagues across MOPIC and live performance. Additionally, I served as co-chair of the Accountability Taskforce through its duration. I am proud of the work done in both positions, especially the crafting of our union’s recently enacted Principles of Conduct.
My work within RWC has connected me to the needs of all of our members across categories and disciplines. Over the past 15 years, my role within USA 829 has been to advocate for what is right for ALL our members. I pledge to continue to do so, be it those who work primarily in MOPIC, Live Performance, or our industrial members.
I have served on multiple negotiating committees over the past 15 years. I have the experience of fighting for our contracts, and for the DIGNITY of our members. I intend to continue to do so as a Trustee.
I joined the union in 2010 as my category, projection design, was brought into the union. Throughout my career, I have worked towards integrating the projection design category into our contracts and into this union. I have a unique perspective as a member whose craft is still being defined and incorporated fully into contracts. My passion for service is to listen to the needs of those who are typically unheard, and to help craft solutions.
Our union exists as it does today because of an incredible amount of work done by members over our over-one-hundred year history. Today, we face new external challenges in all of our industries and must work together to meet the changing needs of our membership. We deserve to be able to perform our jobs, earn a living wage, and to be able to retire. I am ready to build upon the work that has been done, to make our union resilient, and to be able to support our membership today, and throughout our careers, into the future.
Scenic Design and Lighting Design Member Ed Pierce endorses Member Hevner
Industrial Member Matthew Walters endorses Member Hevner
Industrial Member Caitlin McConnell endorses Member Hevner
Deirdra Govan - Costume Design and Scenic Design member, Hope Ardizonne - Scenic Artist Member, Martha Mountain - Lighting Design Member, Natalie Robin - Lighting Design Member, also members Benji Arrigo, David Bengali, Beowulf Boritt, Stefania Bulbarella, Jen Caprio, Amith Chandrashaker, Wilson Chin, Tracy Christensen, Julia Colicchio, Patrice Davidson, Katherine Akiko Day, Sydney Dye, Nina Field, Kate Freer, Palmer Hefferan, Sophia Horsley, Hana Sooyeon Kim, Bradley King, Alex Basco Koch, Jimmy Lawlor, Scott Loebl, Brian Pacelli, Cory Pattak, Maggie Ruder, Barbara Samuels, Ben Scheff, Jen Schriever, Nick Solyom, Aaron Tacy, Sara Jean Tosetti, Alejo Vietti, Kaye Voyce, Karen Young